Sunday, 11 March 2012

Logo head pain

Am messing around with a new logo/header for my blog and website.

This is it at the moment, got a lot to change though. Very simplistic, handmade, gets the point across.

 Here's a different version, I like the cut-out paper effect, maybe a different colour though.

ALSO here's some things to follow! (shameless self-promotion)

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Paper and glue

Here are some weird collages I did last week. They make me laugh, I'm tempted to do more. Quite irrelevant from my project though.

They are inspired by Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita. I took inspiration from the time period of the 1950's and the idea of travel throughout the novel. I didn't tackle the character of Lolita in these collages, I wanted to focus on the male characters; which is why most of them resemble monsters. Both physically and metaphorically.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Business card designs

Back with some new business cards.
They're drawings from a past project on elderly people, I think the portraits compliment the small scale and simple design of the cards.

Mini set of three


And a little extra 

This one doesn't fit with the portraits so I will have to make a series of charcoal cards.